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REACTivating European citizenship – Final Meeting

REACTivating European citizenship – Final Meeting

REACT è una rete di città europee che lavorano insieme contro la stigmatizzazione etnica sostenendo la nuova “Agenda europea per la migrazione” (2015). Il progetto intende sviluppare approcci condivisi sull’integrazione dei migranti, incoraggiare il dialogo interculturale e la comprensione reciproca attraverso la partecipazione civica dei cittadini dei paesi dell’UE e dei cittadini di paesi terzi legalmente residenti nell’UE.

Sito del progetto:

Final meeting

Tuesday 20th and Wednesday 21st of November 2018

Brussels, (Belgium)


Abruzzo Region Delegation in Brussels (Tuesday)
European Parliament in Brussels (Tuesday)

Parlamentarium (Wednesday)


Tuesday 20th of November 2018

Venue: Abruzzo Region Delegation – Avenue Louise, 210

– Introduction and welcome greetings

Mr. Luciano Lapenna – President of ANCI Abruzzo.

Massimo Paolucci – member of the European Parlament (MEP)

–Meeting agenda presentation and organizational information.

Gabriele Sospiro (director ECEPAA)

– Introduction of partners (all partners will introduce themselves and their role in the project)

Project meeting: what is next?

Working on the Handbook for integration (state of art, deadlines, etc)
Dissemination (second newsletter: contents, dissemination list, etc.).
Meeting with Iacopo Viciani

“Development aid and migration, EU policies, results and challenges”
(DEVCO – EU Commission. Migration Unit)

Questions and Answers

Venue: European Parlament

Antonio Tajani, President of the European Parliament
António Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations
Federica Mogherini, Vice President of the European Commission and High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
Conference at EU Parliament on “70th anniversary of the universal declaration of human rights”

LAB project handbook presentation: how to tackle L2 with new methodologies?

Meeting with MEP:

Andrea Cozzolino (SD)
Silvia Costa (SD)

For the meeting with MEP, each partner is asked to prepare a short presentation (5 min each) with the following contents:

Introducing your organization and your role in the project;
Activities done in local level and during the transnational meeting in your country;
Presenting one of the best practices you’ve chosen to be included in the handbook.
During your presentation, try to focus on what was/is specific or innovative in your role/activities or good practice you are presenting. You can make your presentation with a ppt file, video, pictures or just talking about it; choose your proper way to make it.

Wednesday 21st of November

We meet up at Place Luxembourg and walk together to the Parlamentarium.

Visit of the Parlamentarium